Round Robin Group Calendar Setup

How to setup a Round Robin group calendar.

Updated: July 15, 2024

Empower your team with Round Robin events, offering flexibility for invitees to choose a time with any available team member. 

Round Robin Calendar Set Up.

  1. To create a Round Robin calendar, click on the Create Calendar icon on the Calendar Settings page and select "Round Robin" option
  2. Choose a name for the calendar (e.g., Company Name) and enter it in the appropriate field.
  3. Click on +Add description to type in a description for the calendar.  This is what others will read when they book time with you using the calendar link (example: Please pick a day and time that works best for you to meet with our team via phone call.)
  4. From the dropdown, select the team members that will be a part of this calendar. (Select all that apply.  To remove a team member, click on the X next to their name.)
  5. Create a Custom Calendar URL slug (e.g., "meet-with-us").  This is used as the direct link to your created calendar. 
  6. Select a Meeting Duration.
  7. Select your Booking Availability to be used for this calendar.
  8. Click Confirm to create your calendar.
  9. Your created calendar is now ready to use. Click on the three dots in the Action Dropdown column and select Copy Scheduling Link.  Paste the link into a new browser to view the page.
  10. Be sure to assign it to your User Profile.  

Advanced Calendar Set Up

You can made additional advanced customizations to your group calendar if needed.

  • During Calendar creation, click on the Advanced Settings button. 
  • If you have already created the calendar, click on the three dots in the Action Dropdown column and select Edit.

Meeting Details

  1. Click on the Meeting Details tab. These are the details which will be shown in the calendar list page.
  2. Optional: Click to Upload a Calendar Logo (such as your Company Logo).
  3. Here you can change the Calendar Name and Description.
  4. Select the Group for the calendar using the dropdown.  If no group is created, you do not need to complete this step.
  5. You can modify the Custom URL slug here.  Be sure that it is unique.  If not, an error will produce prompting you to choose a different slug. (e.g. meet-with-us).
  6. Type in a Meeting invite title. This is the title for the Calendar event that shows in Google Calendar, Outlook, Apple Calendar, etc. (We recommend  - Name of Company)
  7. Determine the Appointment Distribution (either Optimize for availability or Optimize for equal distribution)
  8. You can add or remove team members in the Select Team members dropdown field.
  9. Next to each user, you can set their priority status and their preferred meeting location from the dropdown. (To enable Google Meet functionality, make sure the team member's Google Calendar is set as their primary calendar in the settings.)
  10. Choose an Event color for this booking event. Colors get synched to events in Google Calendars.
  11. Click on the Save button to save your progress.


  1. Click on the Availability tab.
  2. Select your preferred Availability type (Standard or Custom)
    1. Standard - you can select the days of the week and times for each
    2. Custom - you can select specific dates and times
  3. Set the desired Meeting Interval (e.g., 30 minutes). Meeting interval reflects the amount of time between booking slots that will be shown in the calendar. (e.g., 30 minutes for 8:00, 8:30, 9:00, etc.).
  4. Set the desired Meeting duration (e.g., 30 min, 1 hour, etc.).
  5. Set the Minimum scheduling notice duration (e.g., 2 hours) to determine how last-minute appointments can be booked.
  6. Define the meeting Date Range for advance booking (recommend no more than 14 days).
  7. Decide the Maximum bookings per day based on your schedule and staff availability.
  8. Set the Maximum bookings per slot (per user) (usually one). If the number of appointments exceed for the given slot for the user, then it either switches over to the next user in the round-robin queue or marks the slot unavailable for the prospect to book.
  9. Define a Buffer time between appointments to account for potential meeting extensions (e.g., 30 minutes).
  10. Click on the Save button to save your progress.

Notifications & Additional Options
  1. Select the type of notification (acknowledgement email)
  2. Select the boxes next to who should receive this notification.
    1. Contact - the Contact signing up for the meeting will receive it.
    2. Assigned User - the Assigned User running the meeting will receive it.
    3. Emails - specify a specific email address of the meeting (this could be a general company email or office manager)
  3. If desired, select Allow Google calendar to send invitation or updated emails to attendees.
  4. If desired, select Assign contacts to their respective calendar team member each time an appointment is booked (this would only be for Contacts that are already assigned a user).
  5. Click on the Save button to save your progress.


  1. We recommend leaving the cancellation and rescheduling meeting links toggled on.
  2. Click on the Save button to save your progress.

Sharing the Calendar

  1. Click Close to go back to the main Calendar page.  Next to the created calendar, select Copy Scheduling Link from the Actions Dropdown list.
  2. Paste the link wherever you want to share it for others to book time with you.
Complete the following items to complete the Calendar set up process:
  1. Proceed with Integrating your Google Calendar or Integrating your Outlook Calendar if not already completed.
  2. Link to your User Profile.