What are Custom Values

Learn exactly what custom values are and how they are used

Updated: May 21, 2024

Learn more on how to Edit Custom Values.

What are Custom Values?

Custom values are user-defined data placeholders that store and manage specific information within a system or application. They allow users to organize and retrieve personalized or standardized data efficiently. These values are often used in various contexts, such as customer relationship management (CRM) systems, content management systems (CMS), marketing automation platforms, and more.


Custom values refer to specific data points or variables that are tailored to an individual's or organization's unique needs. These values store personalized information within a system or database, such as contact details, preferences, or specific identifiers. Using custom values, businesses can efficiently organize, retrieve, and utilize personalized data to enhance customer interactions and streamline operations.


Key features of custom values include:

  • Personalization: Custom values enable the storage of individualized information for each entity, such as customers, users, or leads. This information can range from names, contact details, and preferences to unique identifiers like account numbers or booking references.
  • Efficiency: By storing data in custom values, users can easily access and manipulate this information across different parts of a system. This eliminates the need to repeatedly enter the same information in multiple places, reducing manual effort and the likelihood of errors.
  • Automation: Custom values often support automation. They can auto-populate fields, generate personalized emails, customize messages, and streamline workflows. For instance, in email marketing, a custom value for a recipient's first name can be inserted to address them personally.
  • Consistency: Custom values can be used to ensure consistency for data that remains constant for a group of entities. This is valuable for details like company addresses, support contact information, and branding elements.
  • Flexibility: Users can define custom values based on their specific needs. This flexibility makes custom values adaptable to various scenarios, industries, and organizational structures.
  • Updates: Modifying a custom value's data doesn't require changes in every instance where it's used. Altering the value at its source automatically updates it wherever it's employed.
  • Data Integrity: Custom values help maintain data integrity. For instance, using a custom value for an appointment time ensures consistency and reduces the risk of discrepancies.
  • Segmentation and Filtering: In systems that support segmentation, custom values can be used as criteria for dividing and categorizing data sets. This aids in targeted communications and reporting.
  • Centralized Management: Custom values often have a central management interface. Users can add, modify, or delete custom values as needed, providing a streamlined way to oversee information organization.
  • Integration: Many systems allow integration with external sources like databases or APIs. Custom values can be linked to these sources, enriching the system's data capabilities.