Viewing Past Invoices and Update Credit Card

Manage your payment method and view past invoices.

Updated: October 21, 2024

As we are currently transitioning our payment processor, viewing past invoices and updating your credit card for monthly subscription can be done in one of two ways depending on when signed up was completed. 

Sign up was prior 2023:

  1. Navigate to Settings in the menu pane.
  2. Click on the Billing section.
  3. If you are not an Admin, please note that you will not have access to the Company Billing section. Only administrators have this privilege.
  4. Once you're in the Billing section, you'll be able to view and update the card on file.
  5. To view the card on file locate the section labeled as Payment Method.
  6. If you need to update the card on file select +Add Card. You'll find this on the right-hand side of the screen.
  7. In addition to managing the payment method, you can also access your Billing History.
    1. This allows you to see when the card was charged for previous invoices on the right-hand side. You'll be able to see the dates when charges were made to your card. There will be additional details indicating whether the transaction was successful or if it failed.
  8. To access a specific invoice, click on the small arrow associated with the corresponding transaction in your Billing History.
  9. Clicking on the arrow will open up the "View" option located under the Invoice Number.
  10. Select View and it will open a new screen to Download Invoice.

Sign up happened in or after 2023: 

Please reach out to support for monthly invoices on recurring subscription costs or to change your credit card on file. These are handled outside of the system. 


In this section, you can view and replenish your available credits for SMS, phone numbers, and emails. You can view a breakdown of these charges here: Charges for SMS, Phone Numbers and Emails