Top 10 Tips for Winning Over Clients

From First Impressions to Persistent Follow-Up, Strategies for Effective Salesmanship

  1. First impressions

Always crucial! We all make snap judgements, it’s just human nature. So making a great first impression is important. Things go a lot smoother if you inspire confidence from the beginning. Answering the phone when someone calls is probably the most basic and valuable thing you can do to set a great first impression with a new potential owner. Research shows that about 75% of people do not leave messages. I know from experience that an owner feels if we don’t answer the phone on their first call, chances are we won’t answer it when they need us the most.

  1. Be professional

Answering the phone with a professional greeting that states the company’s name is another way we set a great first impression by assuring the caller we are professional and they can look forward to that professionalism throughout the service relationship. I’ve done a ton of secret shopping and call scoring and many people answer with just their name and that’s not great.

  1. Stay in control

The reason it’s important to use the company’s name in the greeting is because they may wonder if they called the right place. When someone answers the phone with their name, they could have the wrong number. If the caller has to ask if they are calling they right place, they are the one asking questions and in control of the conversation. The best sales people understand that staying in control and leading the conversation is key to a swift and successful sales process. Ask questions and be a good listener, seek to understand and not simply to respond. Control is not pushy, it’s confidence and leadership and it’s helpful.

  1. Tone of Voice

One of the best tools a persuader has is the way they use their voice. After all it’s all about communication and most of the time we are selling over the phone and don’t have body language to rely on. Tone is not just to influence, it’s for making other feel at ease. We want to slow our cadence for people that have a slow cadence like the elderly because that’s the frequency they hear, anything faster than how they talk won’t compute. And we need to speed it up for people that are talking fast otherwise they may get impatient or lose interest. And we need to up our tone that’s bubbly, inquisitive and engaging. A low tone is for when we mean business, and when we want to be firm on contract negotiations.

  1. Mirroring and Labeling

Former FBI hostage negotiator Chris Voss explains how important it is to use these techniques to build quick rapport and build trust. Mirroring is when we repeat the last 3 words of what someone says in an inquisitive way. People feel that we are paying attention and asking questions keeps us in control. Labeling is when we listen and make a statement to acknowledge what they said. Use these key phrases, “It looks like, it seems like, it feels like” and an observation. “It seems like you care more about the care of the home than the money it could make” If you can get someone to say, “That’s right” you’ve got them. Beware of, “You’re Right” they might be agreeing with you to shut you up and in that case, you’ve lost them.

  1. Know your stuff

Product knowledge can give you confidence to talk to any lead, and you can have genuine enthusiasm for the product or service. Pointing out your favorite product features and comparing it to other inferior products or services shows you know your stuff and inspires confidence in your buyer. This will also put a buyer at ease so much they will not want to waste their time shopping around.

  1. 2 yeses

One of the best ways to secure a commitment is by using what I like to call the 2 yeses. Give someone 2 options that are both what you want and they are more likely to choose one. Avoid yes or no questions that leave room for no’s. This is works especially well for setting appointments. Saying do you prefer to meet on a Friday or Saturday is much better than saying can we meet and what day is best for you. Keep offering 2 more options that narrow the time or commitment until you have what you want.

  1. Challenge them

Sure it’s important to be a good relationship builder, but experts say it’s far more important to be willing to challenge someone’s ideas in favor of your own. As long as you use your tone in a friendly way you wont’ turn off someone when you get them a little push. If you don’t challenge them a little you are likely to have them make no action or lose them all together. Plus, the real selling doesn’t start until someone says no and we’ve got to be ready for that with some counter ideas to win them over.

  1. Be persistent with follow up 

Only 10% of the success comes from a great first impression and conversation. The other 90% comes from diligent follow up and follow through. Statistically you need to call someone 8 times to get back in touch with them, 40% of leads are only called twice. It’s easy to get sidetracked with hotter leads as they come in, but reaching back to do follow ups instead of always charging forward will win you more deals.

  1. No, means no accept for sales 

To me, no doesn’t mean no is sales. It means not right now, I make a follow up task to check back with them after the summer or every 6 months. Things change for people and if you are staying in touch, you’ll be the convenient one to talk to and can assist them when they are ready. Design a long term nurturing drip email that has value for them. Pass on articles from online resources that are relevant to them. Staying in touch is a great way to ask for referrals as well. Just because they aren’t ready, doesn’t mean they don’t know someone that is.


Updated: Oct 2, 2023 6:48 PM