The Power of a Well-Defined Sales Process

Why Sales Reps and Managers Need to Embrace a Structured Approach to Win Deals and Boost Business Growth

Updated: Oct 2, 2023 6:00 PM


Over my many years of training sales reps and managers one thing continues to surprise me.

Most managers and reps don’t understand a sales process and why it’s so important.

Yes, you can win deals without one. You can do many things without proper understanding of how to do it well. Which means you are missing a huge opportunity to save yourself time, money and stress!

So what exactly is a sales process? It’s a set of repeatable steps a rep can take a prospect from first inquiry to a signed deal. A tight process can keep deals from falling between the cracks.

The beauty of having this process so well defined is that you gain visibility into where there is room for improvement and more training. Plus, training new hires is much easier.

A great sales process has stages and steps within them to keep prospects engaged and moving forward. And, it uses a CRM system to guide the process and capture crucial information for follow up.

Often managers/business owners just trust the rep has it all well in hand. Or they feel rude inquiring with their rep on how things are going so they just turn a blind eye.

If this is you don’t worry! You can turn the ship around anytime. And you must! The health of your business relies on sales.

If you are a rep you might cringe at the idea of your every move being tracked and scrutinized. I get it, I’ve been a sales rep for many years. But once I trusted the process outlined for me I saw my deal conversions go way up, and so did my quality of life.

We all want to do a good job, true success is not always defined by how many deals are closed at the end of the month. It’s also about learning, improving and evolving skills that make our job easier and help us feel more accomplished.

When we see our role as an opportunity for personal and professional growth. Everyone wins.