Realtor Pipeline Automations

Learn about Realtor workflows and how to effectively utilize them

Updated: April 23, 2024


*Upon adding the Realtor Package to your account, three distinct workflows will be generated to facilitate automations.


Realtor Workflow List:

  1. Realtor Cold Email Lead Action: When a recipient responds to your realtor cold email campaign that has been sent out, this workflow will be triggered.

  2. Co-Branded ROI Realtor Form Workflow: Once you send out your Co-branded opt-in form to any realtor to complete and they fill the form out, this workflow will trigger an email that has a unique custom url that is specific to the realtor.

  3. Realtor Landing Page Form Notifications Workflow: When a form is submitted (not the co-branded opt-in form) on your Realtor landing page by someone seeking more information or expressing interest in a relationship of any kind, this automation will be triggered.