Published vs Draft in Workflow

When to draft or published Workflow?

Updated: April 1, 2024


The new feature in Workflow enables users to save drafts and publish their work, providing a powerful tool for efficient workflow management. This enhancement aims to provide users with increased flexibility and control during the process of creating and publishing the workflow.

  • Once you've created your automated workflow, test it to ensure that it functions as intended. When you are happy with how your automated workflow is functioning, simply Publish it to begin the automation process. Just toggle the button  at the upper right hand in the workflow builder to publish your workflow and hit Save.

    When viewing the workflow list, you will easily identify the workflow that has already been published or Drafted.
  • If you need to make any necessary adjustments or refinements to the workflow but are not yet ready to make it live, or if you need to stop the workflow altogether, you can simply toggle the Draft button..