Pipeline Filters

Understanding Pipeline Filters for Your Opportunities

Updated: June 06, 2024

Pipeline Filters

  • Navigate to Opportunities in the menu pane.
  • If you have multiple pipelines in your account click on the drop-down menu to toggle back and forth between the different pipelines.
  • Use the Search Opportunities box to find specific opportunities.
    • Enter keywords such as the opportunity name, phone number, email, company, tags, or contact name.
  • Sort the opportunities based on specific criteria.
    • Choose between sorting by the date added or the deal value.
  • Click on the funnel icon to view all of the filters. 
    • By default, the system displays opportunities with the status of "open."
    • Utilize the following filters:
      • Assigned Owner: Show opportunities assigned to a specific owner within your company.
      • Status: Display opportunities with a particular status (e.g., open, won, abandoned). 
      • Campaign Type: Filter opportunities based on the different campaigns set up in your account.
      • Last Step Change: Find opportunities based on the last stage change.
      • Created On: Search for opportunities based on the creation date.
      • Updated On: Find opportunities based on the last update date.
      • Lead Value: Filter opportunities based on the annual gross booking revenue value.
      • Opportunities Won On: Locate opportunities that were won.
      • Opportunity Lost On: Locate opportunities that were lost.
    • Explore different combinations and options to customize your view.
    • You can use the "and" or "or" conditions for the filters.
      • Example 1: Show opportunities that are open AND assigned to a specific user.
      • Example 2: Show opportunities that are either open OR assigned to a specific user.
  • Click on the 3 dots  and then Additional Info dropdown.  Select the information you wish to display directly on the contact card and then click Apply