Owner Retention Pipeline

The Owner Retention Pipeline is structured to Nurture both Existing and New Owners.

Purpose: The Owner Retention Pipeline is designed to cultivate customer relationships and encourage repeat business between existing owners and new owners.

Stages of the Owner Retention Pipeline:

Will the user assigned from the Owner Onboarding Pipeline be the same assigned user during the Retention Nurturing process? If the answer is yes, nothing else will need to happen. If the answer is no, if it needs to be a different user, then the automations will need to be updated to include this step. Add an Assigned User to a Workflow

  1. Existing Owner Nurture:

    • The Existing Owner Nurture stage is geared towards retaining existing customers and driving loyalty. It includes automated emails and SMS check-ins periodically.
  2. New Owner Nurture:

    • The New Owner Nurture stage focuses on ensuring a positive initial experience with new owners.  This involves automated emails and SMS check-ins periodically to answer questions and gain valuable feedback regarding first impressions.

    The Owner Retention Pipeline and Automations should be customized to fit your specific needs. This includes any of the actions, user assignments, notifications, emails, etc.  We have provided you with a guideline to get started.  Please take the time to make necessary adjustments to better suit your needs.