Nested Folders

This article will give you an overview on what Nested Folder is and it's uses

Updated: August 19, 2024

What are Nested Folders?

Nested folders enable the creation of a folder hierarchy within folders, enhancing workflow organization. This feature allows for the grouping of related workflows, simplifying the process of locating and managing them effectively.

How to create a Nested Folder?

  1. Navigate to Automation from your menu pane
  2. Select the folder where you want to create the nested folder.
  3. Click the "Create Folder" button.
  4. Enter a name for the new folder and click "Create." The new folder will be created within the current folder.

How to move folders within Nested Folders?

  1. Select the workflows you want to move.
  2. Click the 3 dots and hit "Move to Folder" .
  3. Choose the destination folder from the dropdown list, which displays a tree structure of nested folders.
  4. Click "Move Here."


How to create a New Folder while moving workflows?

  1. During the "Move to Folder" process, click the "New Folder" button in the dropdown list.
  2. Enter a name for the new folder and click "Create."
  3. Select the newly created folder as the destination and click "Move."


How do permissions works for Nested Folders?

  1. Root Level Permissions:
    1. When a user creates a folder or a workflow within an existing folder, the permissions of the new folder or workflow inherits from its parent.
    2. When a folder is created within a folder with agency admin permission, the agency admin permission will flow down to the nested folder
  2. Sub-Folder or Nested Folder Permissions: 
    1. When a permission is changed for the Nested folders, it won't change the permission for Root folder
    2. If permission is changed for root folders from Admin to Agency then the permission for the nested folder should not change. Stricter permissions are retained.
    3. If a sub-folder or workflow is moved to the root level, it will adopt the permissions of the root folder.
    4. If a folder with Agency permission is moved out of the nested folder it should retain the Agency Permission.