Multiple Property Overview

Get an overview of Owners with Multiple Properties and creating a Company

Updated: August 23, 2024

Allowing Duplicate Contacts

  1. Under Settings open Business Profile
  2. Find the section titled Contact Deduplication Preferences, make sure the toggle is blue. You first must allow duplicate contacts in order to properly handle multiple properties owned by a single owner. 

Accessing Contacts

  1. Navigate to Contacts in the menu pane.
  2. Before creating a company, make sure you have created a contact for each separate properties owned by the same owner.

Adding a New Company

  1. Click on the Company tab at the top of the Contacts page.
  2. Click on + New Company to create a new company.
  3. Type in the Company Name.
    • This can be the owner's name or the name under which the properties are registered (e.g., LLC).
  4. Provide the necessary details for the company.
    • These may include primary address, contact information, and any other relevant information.
  5. Click on  + Add Company to save the newly created company.

Companies should only be created when one owner has multiple properties, you do NOT need to create a company for every contact

Associating Contacts with the Company

  • While in the company details section, you can view the contacts associated with that company by clicking on the Contacts tab.
  • To add a contact to the company, click on Add Contacts. Search for the contact in the bar and check the box next to their name.  Click Apply to finalize changes.
  • To delete contacts from the company, click on the red trash can next to their name. Click Yes to confirm the change.

Editing Company Information

  • Within the selected company, you can make changes to the company details.
  • Add. review, edit property notes or create tasks as needed
  • Edit and update any necessary information such as address or contact details. Click Save to complete any changes.


Think of Contacts as individual properties and a Company as the owner of those properties.