Live Chat

How to Create and Install Live Chat widget

Updated: June 06, 2024


With Live Chat, immediate assistance is just a message away!

Live chat reduces response times and elevates customer satisfaction to new heights.

There are two locations where you can find Live Chat Feature. 

  1. Chat Widget
  2. Conversations

Chat Widget

  1. Navigate to Sites > Chat Widget
  2. Here you'll notice 4 drop downs
    1. Chat Bubble:
      1. Enabled/Disable chat bubble
      2. Create a Intro message
      3. Edit your Avatar image
      4. Customize your greeting for returning visitors
    2. Chat Type
      1. SMS or Email Chat: This chat will collect the visitor’s information so that you can respond to them via SMS or email later. It is great for small teams that are not staffed 24 x 7
      2. Live Chat: This is live chat. It is a real-time 2 way conversation on chat widget. It works well for large teams that have 24 x 7 coverage.W
    3. Widget Window:
      1. Users can further enhance the user experience by configuring fallback time settings for periods of inactivity and defining acknowledgment messages within the chat widget settings. The Chat widget code can be easily obtain by the user and seamlessly publish it on their website, facilitating immediate integration
    4. Acknowledgement Settings
      1. This section includes acknowledgement greetings, and messages for live chat


Live Chat is seamlessly integrated as a dedicated channel within Conversations.

This integration allows users to communicate with web visitors in real-time without the hassle of navigating to separate platforms. Users are endowed with two significant manual actions for precise control over Live Chat interactions.

Request Contact Details: This action allows users to seamlessly send a contact detail form to web visitors. It paves the way for extended and personalized communication, opening doors to deeper interactions.

End Live Chat: This feature empowers users to wrap up the chat efficiently when a matter has been successfully resolved.
