How to Audit Workflows

Learn how to Audit Workflows to ensure correct enrollment.

Updated: Oct 2, 2023 1:15 PM

Find the Workflow

  1. Navigate to Automation in the menu pane to access Workflows.
  2. Search for the workflow you want to audit.

Review the Workflow

  1. You will see the Status showing that the workflow is Published. Look at the Total Enrolled and Actively Enrolled columns to see how many contacts have been enrolled in the workflow and how many are currently in the workflow.
  2. Click on the Workflow to open the workflow builder.  At each step, it will display a number in each box indicating the number of contacts currently in that step.  Click on the numbered box to view the contacts. (If no box appears, there are no contacts present in the step.)
  3. Review the contacts and determine if they should be enrolled in the workflow.

Remove Contacts from the Workflow through the Contact Card

  1. If you find that a contact should not be enrolled in the workflow, you can remove them.
  2. Click on the contact's name and it will open their individual Contact Card.
  3. Scroll down on the left-hand side to the section titled Campaigns/Workflows.  Expand the section by clicking on the arrow.
  4. Under the Active workflow section, locate the workflow the should no longer be a part of and click the X.
  5. Click OK to confirm the removal.

Repeat for Other Workflows

  1. Repeat the above process for any other workflows you want to audit.