Harnessing the Power of Self-Care for Long-term Wellness

Discover How a Thoughtful Morning Ritual Can Transform Your Mind, Body, and Spirit to Prevent Burnout and Cultivate Balance

Updated: Oct 2, 2023 6:45 PM


Self care should be used as a base of operations and preventive maintenance, not the cure to burnout. It can be a cure to burnout, but hopefully only once. A self care routine can help us not fall into the same unsustainable pattern as last time. Burning the candle at both ends would leave anyone fried.

Start with a morning ritual, rituals remind us of the importance of what comes next and prepares us. Think of the ritual as a series of steps that get our mind, body and spirit aligned. A good morning ritual should have something for each.

For mind, I like to write in my dream journal and reflect on the nights images. In the evening I like to write in another journal about dreams I want to realize or I write an article like this or short story for a collection I’m working on. Sometimes I will meditate in the morning with help of an app or simply count backwards from 100 while visualizing the numbers. Mediating or doing brain training exercises is great for both mind and spirit.

For body, everyday I do some light stretches and breathing exercises. First thing in the morning I try to take a quick 30 minute walk. If the weather is less than ideal for a walk, I do a 30 minute workout from an app, (yoga or pilates). Important to break a little sweat and get the blood flowing. At the end of my work day I try to go for a bike ride or other outdoor exercise. The idea is to get out of my mind and into my body, it’s a great relief to be physically active after so much mental gymnastics at work.

For spirit, I listen to uplifting music and dance around if you feel moved. That’s a great thing to do because that’s good for both body and spirit. Anything that brings you joy feeds the spirit. If that’s being in the garden, do that in the morning. If that’s editing photos from a recent trip you loved that’s great. Just stay away from things that could bring you down in the morning. Checking your cell phone could be fine as long as it’s mainly a curated instagram account where you follow only your favorite things and people.

Reciting a few affirmations and a high five in the mirror has been proven to give us a dopamine boost. Anything like that will do well as a part of your morning routine.

Once we begin our work day there may be little or no time for break til a late lunch or even dinner. When I’m able to squeeze in a bit of a morning routine I maintain a better energy level throughout the day and feel less reactive and stressed by whatever comes my way. Less stress makes for a pleasant roll over into after work interactions with family and friends and better work life balance.

Achieving any kind of balance in today’s world is something to strive for. So take care of yourself. Feed your mind with good thoughts and feelings, feed your body with wholesome food and restful sleep and feed your spirit with whatever brings you joy.