Got your first lead? - Now what?

You have someone who is interested in hearing more about your services - now what?

Updated August 19, 2024

Get them on the phone!

A call is an excellent opportunity to build rapport with a prospect. It allows you to share how your business can support them, outline the benefits of working together, and understand their future goals. This way, you can demonstrate how your services align with their vision and needs.

Cold Email Replies?

Vintory supplies you with an ROI calculator and/or the add-on service of the more detailed Pro Forma tool. We can use this tool to entice your prospect to gain further insights!

Direct Mail responses?

 The same rules apply! Tap into your industry knowledge and insights to show prospects how you can help achieve their goals. Picking up the phone is always a fantastic and proactive way to get started!

Schedule a follow-up

Keep the momentum going! Following up with your prospects shows that you're as committed to their success as you are to your own. It’s a great way to gain deeper insights into their needs and foster meaningful, lasting relationships. Let's make every interaction count!