Creating a Workflow

Learn how to create a workflow from scratch.


Updated: Oct 2, 2023 1:15 PM


Create a New Workflow

  1. Navigate to Automations in the menu pane. Workflows.
  2. Click + Create Workflow.
  3. Under Start from Scratch, click Continue.
  4. At the top, click the pencil icon in the Workflow Name field and enter a name for your workflow.
  5. In the Trigger section, select a trigger that will start the workflow.
  6. In the Actions section, add the action(s) you want to take when the trigger is met.  You may add multiple actions.

Configure Settings

  1. Click the Settings tab at the top.
  2. In the Allow re-entry section, select whether you want contacts to be able to enter the workflow multiple times.
  3. In the Stop on Response section, select whether you want contacts to be removed from the workflow when they respond to an email or notification.
  4. Click Save.

Publish the Workflow

  1. Once completed, click Publish.
  2. Your workflow is now live!


Here are some additional tips:

  • Use triggers to automate your workflows. Triggers can be based on a variety of criteria, such as contact properties, CRM actions, or website events.
  • Add multiple actions to your workflows. Actions can be used to send emails, create tasks, or update contact properties.
  • Configure settings to control how your workflows work. For example, you can set up workflows to run on a schedule or to only run for certain contacts.
  • Publish your workflows to make them live. Once your workflows are published, they will start running automatically.