Cold Email Smart Lists

Basic filters to create a Cold Email Smart List

Updated: August 20, 2024

  1. Navigate to Contacts in the menu pane.
  2. Click on More Filters. 
  3. Recommended basic filters in order to create your list.
    1. Select "Email" from the main filter options then "Is not empty" and Apply
    2. Select "DND" from the main filter options then "Is not: Enabled for All Channels" and Apply
    3. Select "Pipeline" from the main filter options then "Is empty" and Apply
    4. Add an OR option
    5. Select "Email" from the main filter options then "Is not empty" and Apply
    1. Select "DND" from the main filter options then "Is not: Enabled for Email" and Apply
    2. Select "Pipeline" from the main filter options then "Is empty" and Apply
  1. Click "Save as smart list" to create the new list and name.
    1. By default the list will only be viewable by the user who created the list. Choose Manage Smart Lists to add the view to other users or make it global for everyone. 
    Cold Email Smart List

Please keep in mind you can add any additional filters you desire just make sure you understand how the AND & OR options work.