Adding a Single Contact to a Workflow

Learn how to add a single contact to a workflow

Updated: 27 May 2024

Adding a contact to a workflow

Add single

  1. Navigate to the Contacts section in your account
  2. Select the contact to move to the contact card view of the contact you would like to enroll into an existing workflow
  3. On the left-hand side, scroll to Actions section
  4. Select the Automation drop-down to view past and active workflows that the contact was or is enrolled in. 
  5. Under the "Active" section, select Add and choose the workflow and start date.

The purpose in adding a single contract to a workflow would be in the case that the contact does NOT need to be added to an opportunity card. Opportunity cards are used to track during the sales process, each stage plays a different role as some already have pre-built automations attached.